1440 E. Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034
The local music festival promoter utilized over 475,000 impressions per month throughout the campaign. The lifetime report showed an overall click through rate of .25%, and a video targeting specific click through rate of .14%. The national average for banner ad campaigns ranges from .05-.8%- obviously these results are very good!
We used a combination of Video Pre-RollAdvertisements that play or are displayed prior to the beginning of a piece of content the user wishes to consume. Ads, Keywords, and Behavioral TargetingAudience targeting based on actions or interests they have taken both online and offline.. The targeting method puts the festival in front of those most likely to attend, and the overall campaign, using RetargetingServing an ad to a consumer that already demonstrated an interest by interacting with the ad previously, but did not convert at the time. to create high frequencyThe number of times a single person has seen your ad. Frequency can be important than reach when it comes to marketing campaigns since the more times a person sees the ad, the more likely it is they will take action., pulls viewers into the brand’s website. We usually recommend longer term campaigns so we are able to better optimize which websites are pulling in the highest CTRAn abbreviation of "click-through rate" meaning the percentage of users who were served an ad and then proceeded to click on it. and conversionWhen a user or consumer completes the task you set as a goal for your campaign. This could include simply providing an email address, viewing a particular page on your site, or actually purchasing something. and ultimately drive more ticket purchases, so we wanted to make sure we had a high frequencyThe number of times a single person has seen your ad. Frequency can be important than reach when it comes to marketing campaigns since the more times a person sees the ad, the more likely it is they will take action.. The campaign was designed to serve over 475,000 impressions per month over 8 weeks.
We were able to confirm 352 conversions through to the “thank you” page. This means we were able to track 352 ticket sales (and we can assume people are purchasing multiple tickets at one time) through the sales cycle of the campaign. For an average ticket at a $250 price point (for sales of just the minimum purchase price) at 352 tickets, nets sales of approximately $88,000 , over five times the return on campaign investment.